OpenAIErrors:{ ENGINE_OVERLOAD: "Our servers are experiencing high traffic. Please retry your requests after a brief wait."; EXCEEDED_QUOTA: "You have hit your maximum monthly spend (hard limit) which you can view in the account billing section. Apply for a quota increase."; INVALID_API_KEY: "Incorrect API key provided. You can find your API key at"; INVALID_MODEL: "The model does not exist"; MAX_TOKENS: "Maximum number of tokens reached."; NO_API_KEY: "No API key provided. Please set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable or pass the { apiKey } option."; RATE_LIMIT_REACHED: "You are sending requests too quickly. Pace your requests. Read the Rate limit guide."; SERVER_ERROR: "Issue on our servers. Retry your request after a brief wait and contact us if the issue persists. Check the status page."; UNKNOWN: "An unknown error occurred."; } = ...
Type declaration
ReadonlyENGINE_OVERLOAD: "Our servers are experiencing high traffic. Please retry your requests after a brief wait."
ReadonlyEXCEEDED_QUOTA: "You have hit your maximum monthly spend (hard limit) which you can view in the account billing section. Apply for a quota increase."
ReadonlyINVALID_API_KEY: "Incorrect API key provided. You can find your API key at"
ReadonlyINVALID_MODEL: "The model does not exist"
ReadonlyMAX_TOKENS: "Maximum number of tokens reached."
ReadonlyNO_API_KEY: "No API key provided. Please set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable or pass the { apiKey } option."
ReadonlyRATE_LIMIT_REACHED: "You are sending requests too quickly. Pace your requests. Read the Rate limit guide."
ReadonlySERVER_ERROR: "Issue on our servers. Retry your request after a brief wait and contact us if the issue persists. Check the status page."